Saxophone Forum

by dan-o
(1 post)
20 years ago

bari sax: Vito=Yanagisawa

Been looking for a bari sax, and I found out that a Vito model is made by Yanagisawa, but the problem is that the band director thinks that Vitos are "student" bad horns. I heard they were once made by Jupiter, and maybe the altos & tenors might be made by somebody else. I don't think she heard me when I told her that it was really a Yanagisawa horn (they're good, right?). Should I buy the thing and then have her check it out (the store has a good return policy), or should I just forget it?

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: bari sax: Vito=Yanagisawa

    You heard right, the Vito VSP bari is identical to the Yanagisawa B901 bari in every way except engraving. It is made by the same craftsmen on the same. Go ahead and get the horn.

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    1. by tenor562
      (297 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: bari sax: Vito=Yanagisawa

      Definition's right. Also, you don't get the Yani quality case, you get a vito one. They now call it the Leblanc 7190BA. There's many parts of the horn that say Yani on it, and it is supplied with a Yani mouthpiece. It's a good deal. -tenor562

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  2. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: bari sax: Vito=Yanagisawa

    i play on that exact horn (its the schools). it may be made by yani, however it is no more than an intermediate model, dont waste your money, waiyt and get the yani 991, it plays similarly, but it is much better made and much more in tune. and also dont limit yourself just to yani. dont get me wrong i love the yanis, but look into some vintage selmers as well as the new paris made selmers

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  3. by amvh4
    (1 post)

    19 years ago

    Re: bari sax: Vito=Yanagisawa

    my son has a vito with low a it is worth every penny we paid they have won there jazz comp 4year in a row

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  4. by Neilkalman
    (3 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: bari sax: Vito=Yanagisawa

    this is a very old post. so, this is for anybody who sees this because he's thinking of buying a yanagisawa VITO baritone: I don't know if the guy talked about a new one. But I recently but a vintage Yanagisawa VITO bari from around 1970. This is one of the best horns I heared. it got that vintage sound but it's still not old enough to be in a very bad condition. Also, I bought one in a horrible condition. For some reason my bari had a lot of bumps and scraches and the guy who owned it didn't care for it at all. but after a repare man replaced some pads and service it, it sounded great!. So: Y-E-S! buy it if you can! try to get one in a good condition so you won't need to fix it as I did... Have fun :-)

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    1. by bigbandbob
      (1 post)

      16 years ago

      Re: bari sax: Vito=Yanagisawa

      I have been playing a Yani/Vito bari for years it will stand up to any other bari for sound and easy of play (yes even Mark VI). The quality of these Yanagisawas far exceed any other bari I have ever played. If you find one in good shape you can't go wrong they are great horns!!!!!! Mine is mid 1970 and low A.

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      1. by Neilkalman
        (3 posts)

        16 years ago

        Re: bari sax: Vito=Yanagisawa

        Great horn! Mine also got a low A. :-) The Yanagisawa VITO Bari lives on! :-P

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