Saxophone Forum

by paratrooper021
(1 post)
20 years ago

Just starting

I'm a high school bass clarinetist, and I've taken the challenge of learning the bari sax for my school's musical in only a week. I'm doing fine as I have experience with both the embouchre and fingering (I play recorder as well), but I'm having problems getting the notes below E to respond. I've heard it's often a beginner's problem, but I only have a few days! Any help on getting these notes out would be appreciated.

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  1. by Jazz Man
    (9 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Just starting

    this is just my advice but you could try using a low strangth reed also keep your air strem strong and constant

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    1. by west
      (242 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Just starting

      Ultimately it is a beginners problem and if you somehow don't manage to get those notes down, play the upper octave

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  2. by GzsKerqt
    (77 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Just starting

    Try loosening ur lower lipping. Don't press ur lips so hard for lower notes.

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    1. by barisax999
      (400 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Just starting

      i dont think u can rush that sort of thing. i also play bass clarinet and bari. i suggest just upping the octave for now. then you can learn to drop that stuff, its nor easy, but learning bari in a week shouldnt be

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      1. by definition
        (963 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Just starting

        barisaxguy, This is not an uncommon situation, but with the right solution to problem, it can be done easily

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        1. by barisax999
          (400 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Just starting

          your right, it can be done, however, if your coming into production week, the odds are your gonna be strapped for time. and on top of that, your in high school which means your loaded with other sutff to do, so you may want to kind of take the easy way out

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