Saxophone Forum

by Rben20
(35 posts)
20 years ago

Playing Upper Register and Other Things

Hey guys...well I just wanted to know if you all can help me having a lot of trouble playing the higher register notes with a full strong sound (sounds weak when I play them), also that is in tune...its very there something that I can practice everday to help improve my tuning in all the registers of the sax and also help me get a fuller sound in my high notes...maybe even train my ear?..also is there any tips you all can give me about making sharp notes in tune or even flat..any informaton is glady appreciated...thanks for your alls time

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Playing Upper Register and Other Things

    Try these things: 1) take in more mpc 2) Support your breath with the diaphram, dont let the lungs do the work, let the diaphram do what it is there to do. 3) try and make the cavity in your throat smaller, air, forced through smaller space, equals faster moving air, and a better sounding sax, especailly upper register 4)LONGTONES TILL YOU CANT SEE STRAIGHT!

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    1. by tenor562
      (297 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Playing Upper Register and Other Things

      I have the same problem with high notes when I'm playing in concert band. I can't hear myself very well, so I don't push the right amount of air through the sax. Speed of the air is big too. Longtones work best.

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      1. by karebear1012
        (395 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Playing Upper Register and Other Things

        longtones are helpful i have the same problem, and it helps me to just sit down with a tuner and play the high notes until i can get them in tune.

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    2. by barisax999
      (400 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Playing Upper Register and Other Things

      just keep practicing up there. practice higher than youll ever play, then youll be able to play in whaever in the lower part of the upper range.

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      1. by jamterry
        (573 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Playing Upper Register and Other Things

        barisax 999 you are absolutely right!!! whoever teaches you is doing a great job. best of luck :)

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    3. by selmer 4evr
      (309 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Playing Upper Register and Other Things

      read problems with high G in the general discussion forum

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