Saxophone Forum

by brinkey
(2 posts)
8 years ago

Which tenor sax is better?

I've recently signed up for a rent to own on a Buffet 100 for my son however he sent me a link on a Selmer STS280 that he says is the only one he wants of course.  He doesn't know that I've already signed up for the Buffet one because it is supposed to be a Christmas present.  It is a student tenor because he has just started also playing the tenor.  I would like to know if the one I am getting him will be an acceptable instrument for him to have for high school and maybe even a little bit further?  Thanks for all the help!!

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: Which tenor sax is better?

    Yes, he should be fine with it.  Just be sure you know how the TCO through a rent to own contract compares with that of a loan for the retail price.  You might be better getting a loan for the retail price.   

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    1. by brinkey
      (2 posts)

      8 years ago

      Re: Which tenor sax is better?

      Thank you appreciate the answer

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