Saxophone Forum

by Tomplaythesax
(1 post)
20 years ago

Summer Sax

What's everyone doing over the summer for sax, marching band, regular band camp, just practicing a lot? Thought i'd ask to see what others do.

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  1. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Summer Sax

    im doing marching band and the camp for it, although im not playing sax there. i like to do lots of indepent studies using books and sonatas. if your really bored, try picking up a new insturment like clarinet. it really fills the time.

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    1. by The_§ax
      (147 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Summer Sax

      Here in Australia it isn't summer yet its the opposite. BUT What I do in the summer holidays (when we have them) I love to work on really really hard things, like solos with Piano accompaniment and mainly practice on tone and technique a lot. Going to band camps are also really great things to do, as well as start up a jazz group or small ensamble with a bunch of your mates, that passes the time!!! Buescher!!!

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      1. by GzsKerqt
        (77 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Summer Sax

        i can't say summer is bad, but isnt winter, autumn and spring nice? U mean u guys only work on summer? what do u all do during winter then?

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        1. by The_§ax
          (147 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Summer Sax

          Hi it's BuescherAddiction, i just changed my name. We do have our holidays in summer, butjust at a different time

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      2. by saxman1990
        (25 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Summer Sax

        Well I am going to a jazz camp at Eastern Illinois. Then later in the summer I am going to do marching band. That is about it for me this summer.

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        1. by kitnachi
          (41 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Summer Sax

          I am gettin a job at the local theatre for the summer musical, its a paying gig

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          1. by tenor562
            (297 posts)

            19 years ago

            Re: Summer Sax

            I'm going to blue lake, then for my school band I have marching band camp and freshman camp, along with a lot of rehearsals and lessons.

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