
by saxjunkie89 (393 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
if you are playing alto, definitely the greatest alto solo ever, Earl Hagen's "Harlem Nocturne"
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by makadu (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
can i get some of alto saxophones
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by makadu (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
can i get some of alto saxophones pieces
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by jaggtagg7 (40 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
sorry i forgot, for alto or maybe soprano. i'm decideing, but mostlikely it will be alto.
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by tenor562 (297 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
The big ones are Creston Sonata and Glazunov Concerto (spelling?) Anything that Marcel Mule has done or composed is good too. In Larry Teal's Art of Saxophone playing, in the back there's a suggested repertoire, that would give you something to look for.
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by saximous86 (17 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
Go to www.sheetmusicplus.com
They have basically everything out there for sax at really great prices. Saxophone literature are very serious pieces of work both technically and structurally. The Creston or Heiden are 2 great sonatas you could go for. I would also recommend Tableaux de Provence since it captures the expressive qualities of the saxophone and its a gorgeous work. Good luck.
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by vaggmann (8 posts)
19 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
anything from chicago and good LTJ stuff
check it out at horntabs.net
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by vaggmann (8 posts)
19 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
anything from chicago and good LTJ stuff
check it out at horntabs.net
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by lejazzhotsax (15 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
You might not be able to find a sample but my all time favorite is Tableaux de Province by Paule Maurice. I still love to play it just for fun 30 years out of college. Very cool piece.
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by barimachine (323 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
for my audition I'll be doing the milhaud
when you play these long piece do you play all there movements or select one or two of each?
i would probably do mvt. 1 or 3
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by Er087 (7 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
well, if you're supposed to do two contrasting movements, then just do two of them (one fast, technique oriented one, and one slower, melodic one). i would think that there probably wouldn't be much more time for you to do much more than that anyway, depending on how they run their auditions.
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by Rachael (13 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
When I auditioned this past year I played either Concertino da Camera- Ibert, or the Glazounov concerto. The Glazounov concerto is the easier of the two, but if you're really dedicated you could learn the Ibert. You can't listen to the music at this site...but if you decide what you want to buy "shattingermusic.com" has good prices and they ship the music quite fast.
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by Vondermark (18 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
We are still talking about a high school audition are we not? If we are then I would suggest Romance, by William Grant Still. As well Sonata XIII which was arranged by Sigurd Rascher would be a good idea, just to show that you can count very very well. (hahaha)
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by Rachael (13 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
When I auditioned this past year I played either Concertino da Camera- Ibert, or the Glazounov concerto. The Glazounov concerto is the easier of the two, but if you're really dedicated you could learn the Ibert. You can't listen to the music at this site...but if you decide what you want to buy "shattingermusic.com" has good prices and they ship the music quite fast.
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by saxjunkie89 (393 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
if you are playing alto, definitely the greatest alto solo ever, Earl Hagen's "Harlem Nocturne"
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by afterglows_fanson (18 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
Yey, I just posted this same question on another post, but now I found my answer. Rachael, what schools did u get into with your two pieces. They both sound very interesting.
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by Rachael (13 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
I only auditioned at two schools...Eastern Michigan University and Central mich univ. There was only one spot open at eastern where I really wanted to go and we had callbacks for who would get the spot...I was very lucky to get the one spot. At Central I learned the main reason I didn't get in was because my gpa wasn't high enough..they want a 3.5 or higher. Concertino da camera is a very hard piece I still can't play it all that great, I would recommend the glazounov, its challenging but not too hard and the tune is pretty good. What schools are you trying to get into? are you a senior?
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by afterglows_fanson (18 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
Yea, I'll be a senior in september. I realy realy want to go to NYU, but I'm not sure if I can get in. Probably going to end up at Syracuse.. good school anyway. Going to visit Boston U and some other schools this summer.
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by Tully (49 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
I second the Concertino da Camera. You don't have to play the hardest parts, although you should obviously play the most demanding material you can. For a piece of contrasting style, I would do something baroque, but beware, baroque music is a lot harder than it may seem. Of course, it sounds like you are auditioning this winter at the earliest (as I am doing on flute, my main isntrument), so you should have plenty of time to learn the Concertino da Camera.
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by afterglows_fanson (18 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
I went to Patelson's Music Store in NYC, very sweet people if anyone is interested in a good sheet music store. Saw Concertino de Camera, nearly cried.. lol. Going to buy it and try. I bought a couple of pieces that are definately in my range. Anyone know what you do if something is written out of the saxophones range?
btw, the two pieces i got where: "fantasia concertante" by Bernhard Heiden and "Concerto Op. 3/6" by Antonio Vivaldi. One 21 century and one Baroque.
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by Tully (49 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
What do you mean when you say something's out of the sax's range? If you mean it goes really high, that's what altissimo is: really high (literally; that's what "altissimo" means in Italian). Since you are auditioning for college next winter, I assume you study privately, so you teacher should be able to help with the specific problems.
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by afterglows_fanson (18 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
I mean like F# is the highest key on the sax and there are B's and As above it. My teacher just moved, I dont have one currently.. trying to find one. Havent had one for couple months.
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by Tully (49 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
You hit those notes by practicing a whole lot. Get Rascher's book "Top Tones for the Saxophone"--it's about developing your embouchure for altissimo. It's available all over the place online, and I even found it at my library.
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by Sonny_Rollins (18 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
Why even bother. You suck anyways - just go back to collecting stamps.
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by The_§ax (147 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
Sonny, you are one of the saddest people on the web.
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by brace_face (43 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
I second that
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by yas23saxplayer (8 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
I third that
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by Tully (49 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
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by cammes (16 posts)
20 years ago
Re: good audition pieces
I'm auditionuing for uni back in Australia. I have to have three pieces of contrasting styles. I am doing Indrotuctory Dance and Furioso. Taubleaux De Province and Hot Sonate. Hot Sonate is a real great song not to difficult but a very nice melody. But one of the greatest songs ever written was the Creston Sonata I played it for my high school recital I love that song all three movements.
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