Saxophone Forum

by brace_face
(43 posts)
19 years ago


Hello all! I seem to be having trouble with my tounging. I can move my fingers as fast as I need to, but I find it really hard to tongue at the same speed! A lot of people tell me that I have a problem with slap tounging too- I dont tongue on the tip of the reed...but anyway, can any one give me any useful tips? Thanks! stephanie

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  1. by FredCDobbs
    (77 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Tounging...

    Stephanie: I had this problem when I started. My instructor told me to aim for the tip of the mouthpiece with the bottom of the tip of my tongue--that forced me to bring my tongue up, stopped the slapping, and got me hitting tip to tip. Practice tonguing eighth notes with, say, high B, as part of your warmup, move on to sixteenths, and you'll soon be touching tip to tip. You can solve your other problem by practicing very slowly. It's mostly a matter of coordination, not speed. Start out as slowly as necessary, then gradually speed up. You'll improve pretty fast. Good luck!

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    1. by brace_face
      (43 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Tounging...

      Thankyou for your advice (& good luck!), FredCDobbs! I'll work on that!!! Stephanie

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      1. by selmer 4evr
        (309 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Tounging...

        Are you ready for some work??? Tounging is difficult for a variety of resons but mainly due to the asynchronous requirement of good tounging ( meaning the independance of tounge and fingers) '''''The tounge does not start a note it stops the note''''' and then releases the reed to produce the subsequent sound . Try this finger a low F 1- take a breath ready to blow a note 2-place your tounge on the reed preventing it from vibrating 3- build air pressure on the reed while keeping it from vibrating ( in fact closing the opening while developing air pressure), 4-After doing so wait a beat or two and then release the reed without any extra puff of air ( all the air pressure should be applied prior to releasing of the reed ) .This will emit sound the fingered F 5-While the note is emitted stop the sound with the tounge ( as fast as possible be quick here ) but keep blowing ( do not release the pressure you are getting ready for the next note) 6-As you are about to stop the note with the tounge switch your fingers to the next note G ( as fast as possible this should feel like lightning fast to the point that you will hear a slight G echo or pop ) . 7-After having switched finger position wait a beat or two and release the reed again to emiit sound ( the air pressure was kept remember) . 8-Stop the reed again while switching finger position again ( again super fast) 9- wait a beat or two and emit sound again 10- keep doing this all the way up the scale and down again working the fingers very quickly and in synch with the stopping of the note. Think of a row of bricks on a wall the bricks are the representation of the sound and the mortar in between is representative of the tounge work and the finger work . The tounge stops the sound and starts anew one by release not slapping . It is the air that starts a note!!!!!!! Enjoy

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