Saxophone Forum

by jing24
(31 posts)
19 years ago

what did you play during your marching season

we played the planets like everyone else in texas and we got a 2 a stinking 2 i have never got a 2 in my life it's rediculous i question that 2 every day

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  1. by KingNecron
    (76 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: what did you play during your marching season

    Our high school shows were pretty "so-so," except for a Blues Brother/R&B show and a Jefferson Airplane/Moody Blues show when I was a freshman (sooooo long ago). In college we did a Styx show my freshman year, which was AMAZING, and we did Queen the following year.

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  2. by larrythesaxguy
    (8 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: what did you play during your marching season

    My freshman year we played "Mangione Magic', which was based on the music of Chuck Mangione we got 2nd place at state. Last year we played "Santana" which was a latin jazz piece that had nothing to do with the singer Santana and "One More Time Chuck Corea" which was a latin jazz piece featuring some GREAT trumpet solos and we WONE state with that show. This next year we will beplaying "Wicked", a show based on the broadway musical "Wicked" I'm from Cedaredge High Scholl in Colorado and we are in the sing A division of marching band. playing a "Wicked" show based on the broadway musical "Wicked" I'm from Cedaredge High Scholl in Colorado and we are in the sing A division of marching band.

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  3. by mojosmarty08
    (2 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: what did you play during your marching season

    We played songs from Evita my Sophomore year and This year we are playing from Tosca. I think it's awesome. It's gonna get us out 46th consecutive 1 (I think, we've never gotten a 2 since the school opened.) It is Permian. (Yes, Friday Night Lights...)

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  4. by saxjunkie89
    (393 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: what did you play during your marching season

    well, first of all, what do you mean by a "2"? We play three shows every year: Pregame, 1st, and 2nd. Pregame: 1. Hail to the Varsity 2. Notre Dame 3. Sunrise Lady 4. Our Boys Will Shine 5. Trombone Rag 6. March Grandioso 7. our Alma Mater and the Star Spangled Banner 1st Show: 1. Throwdown 2. Home on the Range 3. La Suerte De Los Tontos 4. Malaguena 2nd Show: 1. Ya Gotta Try 2. My Man 3. April In Paris 4. Sunrise Lady 5. When a Man Loves A Woman That's It.

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    1. by saxgrobie
      (86 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: what did you play during your marching season

      Heeey, my school did planets a couple years ago. I don't remember what we got though... probably a 2 because we get that a lot, haha.. This past season we had a show written for us called "Cleopatra: the last Pharoah"... It was a pretty good show. The drill was written really well and corresponded with the music perfectly. Kelsey

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      1. by [email protected]
        (1 post)

        19 years ago

        saxophone playing treninee

        hello place i want you to give me the way to play the saxophone better thank's sir god bless

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      2. by sax78016
        (6 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: what did you play during your marching season

        my band played jJeckel and Hyde

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        1. by sax78016
          (6 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: what did you play during your marching season

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      3. by p-land sax
        (32 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: what did you play during your marching season

        the show we did this year was Machine by Bolcom i think we were the only one in texas to play that show. I think that show got us our 41st consecutive 1 in U.I.L. competition.

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        1. by straightj23
          (103 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: what did you play during your marching season

          Our last show was hits from the broadway musical "Ragtime." I guess it sounds kinda dumb, but you can't call getting 1st place at every competition and getting a ONE (best rating) at State. I also know for a fact that my director has chosen a new show for next year. He won't tell us yet. I feel like rumaging through his office to find the score. LOL. Just kidding, or am I.

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          1. by SAX52889
            (12 posts)

            19 years ago

            Re: what did you play during your marching season

            My 'old' school played planets a couple years ago. It kicked butt because they always got ones. Last year we played a show on baseball and it got ones. This year was "Midnight in the Gardent of Good and Evil" but due to hurricane Katrina that marching season for that school was ended and so was my career of attending that school. At my new one we played some weird jazz crap and i hate the show we're doing next year

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            1. by MavisDavis
              (21 posts)

              19 years ago

              Re: what did you play during your marching season

              my school played a show entitled "The Four Seasons," althought not by Vivaldi. It included: Appalacian Spring (Aaron Copeland) Summer Dances (forgot the writer...) October (Eric Whitacre) Russian Christmas Music (Alfred Reed)

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