Saxophone Forum

Jazz Saxophone

Discussions about playing jazz saxophone

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Wardell Gray Transcription

I have added Wardell Gray's solo on Pennies From Heaven to my website:

13 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

Ronnie Cuber Transcription

Having recently seen Ronnie Cuber in New York, I've been inspired to transcribe some of his solos. To start, I have added a t…

13 years ago
by [email protected] (1 post)

Tenor Conclave Solo Analysis

The July, 2011 issue of the Scooby-Sax Newsletter has been published. This issue focuses on the analysis of transcribed solos…

14 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

Steve Grossman Transcription

I have added a transcription of Steve Grossman's solo on There Will Never Be Another You to my website: no replies by scooby (83 posts) 14 years ago

14 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

Jody Mouthpiece Questions

Hey guys, First post here! Just wanted to bug you all and ask what you all thought about the Jody HR and Classic mouthpieces…

14 years ago
by rb2054 (3 posts)

Hank Jones dead at 91

Hank Jones, one of the greatest jazz piano players, has died at the age of 91. He has always been my favorite because he play…

14 years ago
by Nate931 (2 posts)

How to play high notes?

Play altissimo in NO TIME with Johnny Screecher's Extreme Sax Workouts method! no replies by deltacity (2 posts) 14 years ago

14 years ago
by deltacity (2 posts)

Tonal Memory

With all the new things on the market to help you learn to improvise, some of those things may hurt more than help. Doing tra…

14 years ago
by dgallego (27 posts)

Frank Wess Flute Transcription

I have added a transcription of Frank Wess' flute solo on "There Is No Greater Love" to my website: no replies by scooby (83 posts) 14 years ago

14 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

Tenor Conclave Transcriptions

I have transcribed all four soloists playing Tenor Conclave. These solos are an excellent way to learn four different approac…

14 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

George Coleman Transcription

I added a new transcription of George Coleman's solo on "Billie's Bounce" to my website: 1 replies by scooby (83 posts) 14 years ago

14 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Altissimo PDF

I just added a PDF download of all the alternate & altissimo fingerings from my book ( pages 37, 38, & 39 ) at 1 replies by aaronsantee (6 posts) 20 years ago

14 years ago
by Mobile Band (27 posts)

how does the material of the saxophone affect the sound?

Ive heard that it affects it slightly but i was wondering how

14 years ago
by Mobile Band (27 posts)

"Pick up the pieces" solo

I am a sophomore in high school who mainly plays legit music. My band director asked a tenor player and me if we would play p…

14 years ago
by Yts875ex (1 post)

Scooby-Sax Newsletter

The latest issue of the Scooby-Sax Newsletter has been published. The new issue of this educational resource focuses on the i…

14 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

Extreme Sax Workouts!

If you are looking for a way to make your sax playing a little more EXTREME, then follow the link below to Johnny Screecher's…

14 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Dexter Gordon Transcription

I added a new transcription of Dexter Gordon's solo on "Blow Mr. Dexter" to my website: no replies by scooby (83 posts) 14 years ago

14 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

Tenor RPC115b for sale!

I'm selling my RPC mouthpiece because it is a little too open for me. I'm useto something a little smaller, so that's why. It…

14 years ago
by zeekman116 (27 posts)

Charlie Parker Transcription

I found an old notebook with a lot of transcriptions I did many years ago. I'm cleaning them up and will add them to my websi…

14 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

Lennie Niehaus Transcription

I added a new transcription of Lennie Niehaus's solo on "Cherokee" to my website: no replies by scooby (83 posts) 14 years ago

14 years ago
by scooby (83 posts)

Which sax to buy?

Hi! My wishes for christmas this year is a saxophone. I've been playing piano and guitar for several years, but have never to…

14 years ago
by cuber (653 posts)

Cannonball Jazz Studies

There is a book called Cannonball jazz studies that my professor has. I can't make scans of it because the pages are rather l…

14 years ago
by BuffetSax (21 posts)

Tenor saxophone

Hey guys. I play tenor saxophone in my high school combo, and I recently played a version of Cannonball Adderley's "Poor Butt…

14 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Growl Sound

Have, by sheer luck, come across a metal mouthpiece (no specs) that yields a Gato Barbieri like sound. Would really appreciat…

14 years ago
by afogartie (6 posts)

Sax Dakota

Does anyone have any info on the Sax Dakota brand? Isn't this the same cat that started LA Sax? I would really like to know w…

14 years ago
by tempomaster (36 posts)
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