Saxophone Forum |
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I am a high school teacher starting on the sax because I just took over the instrumental program and have mostly been a strin |
I'd like to learn when my Buescher soparano sax was made. It belonged to my dad, who died in 1933. It's a curved model, silv |
First off, I'd just like to say hi as a new body on the board. I'm a long haul trucker from waaaay up in the frozen wasteland |
I started refinishing vintage saxophone cases using "exotic" vinyls such as ostrich and cobra skin for some friends locally. |
I have 7 saxophones that i aquired for free....i was wondering if anyone could tell me what they are worth? the models are as |
Just getting started with your discussion groups here and wanted to introduce myself. I am a jazz/blues/soul saxophonist with |
I have a Conn saxaphone which has been handed down the family. It has the following engraving Pat Dec.8 1914 1119954 C M17 |
Conn USA saxophone with shooting stars and sn 9947 I recently purchased this saxophone for my son and was trying to identify the model. I have seen list of serial numbers that |
Greetings! I have an old Martin tenor ("The Martin") and I need to get a case for it. None of the current cases for sale fit |
Hi, I am a saxoholic from Johannesburg South Africa. I have a Yamaha Tenor and a Vinci Alto and Ive been playing for around 1 |
Hi i'm Andrew I am a senior at pearland high school, I've played the sax for 10 years. I found this site a few months ago an |
Hi, I've been playing clarinet for 47 years and for the past 7 years have been trying to learn to play tenor. It took forever |
Hello, my name is Cathy. I just found this site and am wondering about my baritone saxophone. I have a vintage CG Conn Ltd wi |
B&S (aka. LA Sax) Chicago Jazz Series Hey there, Newbie member from down under looking at buying a Chicago Jazz Series tenor over the internet. Bit nervous about |
1927 Gold Plated Conn Bari very good condition I'm looking at a 1927 gold plated Conn bari in very good condition - no dents, very few dings, and overall very good conditio |
Could any one comment on this model please. I'm only recently starting to play soprano again after a long absence, I want a r |
Hi, just joined the Saxquest site. I have browsed here many times before and decided to get in. Seems to be alot of usful inf |
Hi there- I am a tenor player looking to buy a soprano. I'm not a professional but I would like to get something better than |
Berg Larson Mouthpieces information. What does "SMS" For the Berg Larson mouthpieces mean? Please post your answer or email me at [email protected] with your an |
Hello, I'm a senior in high school who plays the alto saxophone. I'm excited to continue my playing in college, hopefully as |
WHERE CAN I FIND A GOOD PLACE TO FIND FREE SHEET MUSIC!?!? Hi, I'm Rick(you can call me sax man or afro thunda). I've been on the net for 2 weeks searching for a good place to find she |
I have found this site in a quest to locate a recommendation for a local repair shop in the Santa Clarita/Los Angeles area th |
Hello name is steve just join this fine group on saxquest I paly alto and tenor sax started in 1972 Im not all up on the grea |
Would any one know where this Tenor Sax monthpiece was made... does this company also make this monthpiece for alto sax? Mon |
Hello, My Name is Bill and I'm a Bari sax player. I've been playing for about 6 or 7 altogehter. As of 2001, I've been playi |